Here is the system diagram for our basic example:
Off-Site Preparation
The first steps can be performed on or off-site. If you are on-site and have the MXNet system already installed, we recommend following our On-Site driver setup guide. During this portion of the guide, we will cover how to setup the driver and prepare it to be connected to an MXNet system after the on-site installation is completed. This includes assigning each encoder and decoder MAC address to a specific location so the driver is aware and Control4 can select the proper video routing paths for your installation.
First, compile a list of the MAC addresses for every Encoder and Decoder you will be deploying in the installation.
To do so attach power to each of the Encoders and Decoders, it will take several seconds to load up and then the OLED display on the front of the device will display its current IP address and name. The default name displayed is the device’s MAC Address. Another way to find the device MAC address is to connect the device to an MXNet AV network and view the MAC in the MXNet Web interface (Mentor).
Make sure to take note of a device’s MAC before assigning custom names when you are pre-commissioning devices.
Create a table of devices. This table will be used to manage the device list, device MAC addresses, and Control4 bindings.
Label each encoder or decoder with their respective MAC address. This can be done by labelling the box or the unit via stick on notes or printed labels. This is important to keep track of the device MAC later during the physical installation when you arrive on site.
Note: Additional labeling information may still be required (device location and binding information, recorded in step 5).
Add the MXNet driver to your Control4 project. Select the driver configuration that meets your maximum encoder or decoder quantities. For our example project we will use the 8x8 version of the driver since we do not have more than 8 inputs or outputs.
Navigate to the System Design and select the MXNet driver in the device tree.
In Properties under the headings Transmitter/Receiver Device Selection, manually enter the MAC Address for each encoder and decoder device under their relevant heading:
Encoders in Transmitter Device Selection
Decoders in Receiver Device Selection
Make sure to click Set for each device
entering the next device MAC address or navigating away from this page.
Now you can create your I/O bindings from the MXNet encoders and decoder to the corresponding source and sink devices.
After creating your bindings add the binding device information and device location to your device table (created in step 1).
It is recommended you print copies of the device table at this point to send with the equipment for installation so technicians can reference the table while installing the equipment.
Optional: You may annotate the device location on a label on the outside of the MXNet encoder and decoder boxes prior to shipping or bringing the units to the installation.
On-Site Installation and Validation
The remaining steps must be completed on-site. Here we will finalize the driver connection to the MXNet system control box and verify functionality to finalize the commissioning of the MXNet system.
Install the control box (AC-MXNET-CBOX), encoders, and decoders into their final installation locations.
You may refer to the
MXNet Quick Start Guide
for help with the physical installation and network infrastructure.
IMPORTANT: Ensure you match the encoder or decoder based on MAC address to the location you documented in your device table in step 5.
Navigate to Connections, the Network tab, and finally IP Network.
Select the MXNet device and input the IP address to connect the driver to MXNet.
NOTE: The status indicator will change from Red (Not Addressed) to Green (Online) when driver connects to the device. If this does not change to Green (Online) please verify the CBOX IP address and your local network configuration and try again.
Verify system functionality via “Mentor”, the MXNet web interface. For help with this see the
MXNet Quick Start Guide
Returning to Composer Pro) Select the “Actions” tab and click “Config: Auto-Configure Aliases.” Enter 1234 and click OK to configure the aliases.
Return to the “Properties” tab
You should see a Status of Operational. If there were any issues you will see information here. If it says alias names misconfigured, repeat step
s 4-10 making sure to verify all MAC addresses. Refer to MXNet mentor web interface configure page for connected device MAC addresses if needed.
Confirm the fields under “Transmitter / Receiver Device Selection” are populated with the MAC addresses of all discovered transmitters and receivers connected to your MXNET switch
and none of the fields show text that declares a device as not discovered.
NOTE: Any encoders and decoders that are offline will not appear. Any encoders or decoders MAC addresses you have manually added that are not discovered by the MXNet system will show as "[MAC] not discovered". If you install or replace additional encoders or decoders you will need to add and bind them in Control4 at the time of installation.
Setup is complete. You can test the matrix abilities of the MXNet driver configuration by double clicking the MXNet driver in the device tree. It will show you the test matrix page in Composer where you can change the video selection for each output and verify functionality.
Now that you have the Control4 driver for MXNet installed and configured you can rely on Control4 to perform your video switching as needed or use programming commands to manually trigger video switching.