MXNet Control4: Videowall Setup Guide

MXNet Control4: Videowall Setup Guide

The following guide can be used to configure the MXNet driver within Control4.

This guide requires the use of our MXNet driver version 12 or greater. You can find the latest version of the driver here.

This guide is intended for an MXNet installation that is already setup and installed within an installation.

Here is the system diagram for our basic example:

Let’s start by connecting the driver to MXNet and discover the connected encoders and decoders. With this setup method existing custom names will be overridden.

  1. First set up the MXNet system and verify system functionality via “Mentor”, the MXNet web interface. For help with this see the MXNet Quick Start Guide.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Using Mentor check the firmware version in "Home System Utilities" and check here to download the latest firmware files and see the Release Notes.
  2. Add the MXNet driver to your Control4 project. Select the driver configuration that meets your maximum encoder or decoder quantities. For our example project, we will use the 8x8 version of the driver since we do not have more than 8 inputs or outputs.

  3. Navigate to Connections, the Network tab, and finally IP Network.

  4. Select the MXNet device and input the IP address to connect the driver to MXNet.

    NOTE: The status indicator will change from Red (Not Addressed) to Green (Online) when the driver connects to the device. If this does not change to Green (Online) please verify the CBOX IP address and your local network configuration and try again.

  5. Navigate back to the System Design and select the MXNet driver in the device tree.

  1. Select the “Actions” tab and click “Config: Auto-Configure Aliases.” Enter 1234 and click OK to configure the aliases.

  2. Return to the “Properties” tab

  1. You should see a Status of Operational. If there were any issues you will see information here. If it says alias names misconfigured, repeat step 6. 
    Confirm the fields under “Transmitter / Receiver Device Selection” are populated with the MAC addresses of all discovered transmitters and receivers connected to your MXNET switch.

    NOTE: Any encoders and decoders that are offline will not appear. If you install or replace additional encoders or decoders you will need to add and bind them in Control4 at the time of installation.

Now that the Control4 MXNet device discovery is completed, we need to determine which decoder is connected to each sink device. The following steps will help make this process simple.

  1. Using a web browser (suggested web browsers are Firefox and Google Chrome), navigate to the IP address of the MXNet CBOX to load the “Mentor” web interface for MXNet.

  2. On the left side of the web page, select “Configure (INPUTS/OUTPUTS)”

  3. Select the OUTPUTS/DECODERS/DISPLAYS tab on the top of the configuration page.

  4. On the output configuration page enable the OSD for all displays. This will show the decoder information on the video output including the custom device name, mac address, and IP address (on the AV LAN).

  5. Turn on all sink devices and displays. Take note of each display/sink device location and the decoder connected to the sink device.

Sink Device:

Decoder Name (Display):

Receiver MAC Address













  1. Check each of the encoders that are connected to the source devices and create a similar list of connections. You can utilize the small OLED display on each of the encoders to see the device names. 

  2. In Composer, navigate to System Design. Here you will add one room for the videowall, and one room for each individual display. For a 2x2 videowall this is 5 rooms, for a 3x3 videowall this is 10 rooms. It is helpful to name each of these rooms to reflect their location in the installation as well as their coordinates in the videowall configuration (i.e. Den Top Left, Den Top Right, etc..). The videowall room name should reflect the physical location of the videowall in the installation (i.e. Den).
  3. Place the drivers for the displays in each of the individual display rooms.
  4. Add the AVPro Edge VideoWall Controller driver to the videowall room that was created. Control4 will treat this device as video endpoint.
  5. Navigate to Connections mode and select the MXNet in the device tree. Create input/output bindings matching your device tables recorder earlier
    NOTE: You must match the IN# and OUT# from your device tables to the matching input or output number. (e.g. IN1Input 1, IN2Input2, OUT1 = Output 1, etc.. ).

  1. Select the “Videowall Controller” in the device tree and create Input bindings that mirror the input bindings made for the MXNET CBOX (#16). These bindings must be the same or source switching will NOT work correctly

  2. Navigate back to the System Design and select the “Videowall Controller” in the device tree. In Properties tab under “Driver Configuration” assign the VideoWall AV Matrix. Click select, find the MXNet device you are using, select it and then click “OK

  3. Choose videowall size, in this example we will select a 2x2 configuration. 

  4. Going left to right, row by row, starting with the top left display: enter the order in which the displays will be configured in the “Display Matrix Ports” field (with each output port separated by a comma)These numbers correspond to the MXNet output bindings.
    2x2 example: If Top Left = OUT7, Top Right = OUT4, Bottom Left = OUT 5, and Bottom Right = OUT 9, then the “Display Matrix Ports” field would contain the entry: 7,4,5,9

  5. For bezel compensation enter the outside width/height and visible screen width/height (in mm) of the display. These measurements will ensure that video content will be aligned across displays by cropping the content accordingly.

  6. Room control is a crucial part of a successful video wall setup. If the installation is using a single receiver for the audio playback in the room, a good way to configure the setup is to play the audio for the latest switched video device, and ensure you have “Listen” menu options for your end users to select a specific source device. Let’s configure this now.
  7. Navigate to Connections mode and for each of the individual display rooms set the video end-point for each room to the display located within itDo the same for the videowall room (“Basement Bar” in this example), using the AVPro Edge Videowall Controller as the display. 
  8. This example installation has an AV Receiver installed into the room with the videowall controller. Correct bindings will allow audio to be played from the receiver and switched as the videowall configuration changes as well as allowing volume to be controlled from the Control4 remote
  9. Set the receiver as the audio end-point for each of the rooms, including the room in which the Videowall Controller is locatedSethe following Room Control connections the AVR for each room:
  1. Audio End-Point (1)
  2. Video’s Audio End-Point (1)
  3. Video Volume (1) 
  4. Audio Volume (1)

  1. Best practice for physical connections is to connect video from the HDMI loop out of the MXNet encoders to the AVR in the source rack. Set bindings for Audio & Video inputs to the receiver for each source device that was connected to the AVR. These bindings will go from the actual source device outputs to the AVR input directly within Control4, do not create any bindings from the MXNet to the AVR.
  2. Setup is complete. You can test the matrix abilities of the MXNet driver configuration at this time.
    For individual display testing, double click the MXNet driver in the device tree. It will show you the test matrix page in Composer where you can change the video selection for each output and verify functionality. This will ONLY change the output of individual displays.
    For testing the videowall output itself, double click on the VideoWall Controller driver in the device tree, then select the input from the drop-down menu and click set. This should convert the displays into a video wall and display the selected source content. For each source change, individual or videowall, the AVR should change audio sources to match the latest changed content.
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