AC-MXNET-CBOX-B Firmware Updates

AC-MXNET-CBOX-B ~ V4.21 ~ 9/18/24

NOTE: If your CBOX is reading firmware with a version number of V2.XX, please navigate to this page here:

Please update the CBOX first, before attempting updates on the endpoints. Using CBOX-B Firmware V4.05 or above requires the following in order for RS-232 communication to function properly:
AC-MXNET-1G-D Decoders must be updated to V4.25/V4.28 or later.
AC-MXNET-1G-E Encoders must be updated to V3.44 or later.
AC-MXNET-1G-EWP Wall Plate Encoders must be updated to V1.10 or later.
AC-MXNET-1G-DANTE-E Encoders must be updated to V1.16 or later.
AC-MXNET-1G-EV2/EV2-B/EV2-C Encoders must be updated to V1.10/V2.04/V3.00 or later.
AC-MXNET-1G-DV2/DV2-B/DV2-C Decoders must be updated to V1.06/V2.02/V3.00 or later.
Version V4.21
New Features:
  1. Added new live video previews for V2 encoder devices, viewable on the Auto-Matrix page. The URL the CBOX uses to grab the livestream previews can be embedded into control panels, media players, etc. This feature is only applicable on the AC-MXNET-CBOX-B/AC-MXNET-CBOX-HA hardware.
  1. Added the ability to configure an MXnet switch for trunk ports within the Switch Management Menu, see below:

  2. Added the ability to configure a DHCP server on an MXnet Network Switch via the Switch Management menu, see below:

  3. Added API Command: "config set device dspmode [1,2] {DeviceID/MAC}
    1. Usage: Adjusts the operational mode of the extracted audio processer on a V1/V2 encoder.
      1. Option "1" == Default Operation. Normal usage.
      2. Option "2" == Adjusts the extracted audio processor to not begin processing/outputting audio until 7 seconds after a hot plug event occurs. Use this option if you're encountering an issue where extracted audio is lost after an extended period of time (12-48 hours), particularly if HDMI audio is still present, but extracted audio is lost. 

  4. Add API command: "config set device sourceinput {1,2} [EncoderMAC/EncoderID]
    1. Usage: Adjusts the source input for certain devices, such as switching between HDMI and USB-C source input on the AC-MXNET-1G-EV2WP. 

  5. Add API command "config get device routes [vaurs] {DecoderID/DecoderMAC}
    1. Function: Used to obtain the current active routes on the specified decoder(s).
      v = Active Video Stream
      a = Active Audio Stream
      u = Active USB Stream
      r = Active IR stream
      s = Active RS-232 stream
      Various stream requests can be combined into a single command execution, for example, “config get device routes va OUTPUT1” will 
      query the active video AND audio streams of the decoder “OUTPUT1” simultaneously. The “ALLRX” argument can be used to query the 
      active routes of all decoders currently within the MXnet network. 

    2. Example Command and Feedback Response:
      Command: config get device routes vaurs OUTPUT1
      Response: {"info":{"OUTPUT1":{"ir":"none","usb":"INPUT2","audio":"INPUT1","video":"INPUT1","rs232":"none"}},"cmd":"config get device routes vaurs TCL"}

      Command: config get device routes va ALLRX
      Response: {"info":{"OUTPUT1":{"video":"none","audio":"none"},"OUTPUT2":{"video":"INPUT1","audio":"INPUT1"},"OUTPUT3":{"video":"INPUT2","audio":"INPUT2"},"OUTPUT4":{"video":"INPUT1","audio":"INPUT2"},"OUTPUT5":{"video":"INPUT2","audio":"INPUT2"},"OUTPUT6":{"video":"INPUT3","audio":"none"},"OUTPUT6":{"video":"none","audio":"INPUT3"}},"cmd":"config get device routes va ALL"}

  6. Added API command "config set device audiosrc [1,2] {DeviceID/DeviceMAC}
    1. Usage: Only available for the DANTE-EV2/DANTE-DV2 products. Used to change the audio output from MXnet V2 audio (argument option 1) or Dante routed audio stream (argument option 2).
      Requires a restart to take effect.

  7. Added Support for HDCP Follow-source settings for V2 decoders. Requires FPGA version 9.18.9 in order to execute.
    1. Note: HDCP Follow-Source is still selectable on decoders on an older FPGA version, however the setting will still be "follow sink" mode, unless the decoder is upgraded.

  8. Added an in-development web GUI page for V2 multiview processing.
    1. NOTE: This page is under active development and is not intended for live use at this time. 
Bug Fixes and Improvements:
  1. Fixed an issue where the CBOX Uptime Status was not populating current information properly.
  2. Closed the Android Debug Bridge service on TCP port 5555 for security purposes.
  3. Addressed an issue where MXnet devices did not run properly in RS-232 mode 1.
  4. Fixed an issue where endpoints maintaining a partial connection to the CBOX (Connects to FPGA but not MCU) would result in a memory leak over an extended period of time.
  5. Resolved an issue where the web GUI became inaccessible due to scans from certain vulnerability scanners
  6. Resolved an issue where Dante IP settings were not populating correctly in the Dante Module page.
  7. Fixed the issue where the custom name on the Dante page displayed the MAC address instead.
  8. Resolved an issue of Dante V2 devices losing their default MAC Addresses upon a power cycle. 
  9. Optimized switch connectivity responses.
  10. Adjusted SDDP MaxAge time from 90s to 1800s for better integration with various control systems.
  11. Fixed an issue where switching sources on an AC-MXNET-1G-DV2-A/B/C would result in the extracted audio volume output to be reset to 100.

      New Features:
  1. Added a new web GUI option, within the "CONFIGURE" page, called "SET DANTE IP". This button opens a window to modify the IP address and VLAN ID assignment of the upcoming AC-MXNET-1G-DANTE-EV2/DV2 products.
    1. Example Screenshot:

  2. Added a list of new API commands for configuration of the upcoming AC-MXNET-1G-DANTE-EV2/DV2 products:
    1. config set device dante ip {autoip,dhcp,static:} [DeviceCustomName/DeviceMACAddress]
      1. Usage: To modify the IP address for the Dante portion of the MXNET-1G-DANTE-EV2/DV2 products.
  1. "autoip" ~ assigns the Dante portion to utilize a link-local IP addressing scheme.
    1. Example command: config set device dante ip autoip 188A6A01D995
  1. "dhcp" ~ assigns the Dante portion to request a DHCP release from any DHCP server present on the network.
    1. Example command: config set device dante ip dhcp 188A6A01D995
  1. "static:[IP Address]:[Subnet Mask]:[Default Gateway]" ~ assigns the Dante portion a static IP address of your choosing. 
    1. Example command: config set device dante ip static: 188A6A01D995
    1. config set device dante vlan [VLAN ID] {DeviceCustomName/DeviceMACAddress}
      1. Usage: Assigns the VLAN ID the Dante portion of the MXNET-1G-DANTE-EV2/DV2 products will utilize.
      2. Example command: config set device dante vlan 100 188A6A01D995

  1. Added a new API command: "config set fpgaupdate [0,1]", for usage to upgrade V2 units to the latest FPGA firmware.
    1. Option "0" ~ Default state. Normal operation of the MXnet Network.
    2. Option "1" ~  Disables all active streams from encoders/decoders, to prepare for an FPGA update using the MXnet 1G FPGA Upgrade Tool. 

  2. Added a new column to the "CONFIGURE -> DIAGNOSTICS" page, to list the current FPGA version of an MXnet endpoint.
    1. Example Screenshot:

      If you hover over the text that is listing the main FPGA version, it will also display the date the version was published (used to verify specific version releases):

      FPGA Version information can also be queried by using the "config get device info" API command.

  3. The HDCP options for V2 units has been changed to a new option "Follow Sink", as the default "Passthrough" option required a reboot of the V2 decoder every time HDCP was changed. 

  4. Added log entries for whenever a third party system connects or disconnects to the API server (TCP port 24)
    1. Example screenshot:

  5. Added support for HDCP do not request options for V1 and V2 wallplates (requires a firmware update on the wallplates themselves as well)

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
  1. Fixed an issue where the COPY_FROM_OUTPUT EDID option was failing to copy the EDID on V1 devices.

  2. Fixed an issue where the list of switch ports on the VLAN MANAGEMENT page would sometimes fail to populate if a port was assigned to a different VLAN. 

  3. Fixed an issue where the AV/NETWORK port would grab a DHCP address if a DHCP server was present, even though the port was set to use a link-local IP scheme. 

  4. Fixed an issue where the CBOX-B would show up with two separate IP addresses coming from the MENTOR connection when scanned with a network scanner/a router's IP database.
  1. Changed the "spdif" attribute for the API command "config set device arp input [spdif, hdmiout]" to "toslink", and will now properly configure the AC-MXNET-1G-DV2 to utilize the toslink port for Audio Return.
    1. Example command" config set device arp input toslink 188A6A01D7C8

  2. On the switch management page, modified the connection failure message to include a description that the entered hostname may be invalid.

  3. Fixed an issue where the displayed number of fans on the Switch Management page would populate higher than the actual fan count of the switch, if the custom hostname had the switch's name in the field (example hostname: SW48-Lobby)

  4. On the Diagnostic page, the switch port number will now retain even if the web page is refreshed. This fixes an issue to where if a device is powered off via the "PoE" column, and the page is refreshed when the device falls offline, the "PoE" field could not be re-enabled.

  5. On the Diagnostic page, the switch port number information will now only refresh the information for the currently connected switch, leaving the stored information for other switches unchanged.

  6. Fixed an issue where refreshing the Web GUI would occasionally result in the page reporting back a "nil" error instead.

  7. Fixed an issue where the CBOX would continously report "OUT1 HPD 0" messages if a decoder did not have an HDMI 5V connection active.

  8. Fixed an issue where the system log wasn't populating correct entries whenever a device would fall offline. 

  9. Fixed an issue where output rotation would revert back to the default 0 degrees if the source was switched or a hotplug event occurred.

  10. Fixed an issue where enabling/disabling PoE in the Diagnostics page would occasionally cause the CBOX to crash.

  11. Fixed an issue where RS-232 bi-directional passthrough would not function properly, when devices were set to RS232 mode 1. 

  1. Fixed an issue where devices that were disconnected from the MXNet ecosystem would still appear as offline in the MENTOR interface.
  2. Fixed an issue where newer DV2 devices were unable to be uploaded a custom fallback image/forced image. 
  3. Fixed an issue where changing the IP setting on the MENTOR interface would break the AV NETWORK interface's IP settings, and vice versa.
  4. Fixed an issue where factory resetting the CBOX would default to a static IP of, instead of DHCP.
  5. Fixed an issue where the default gateway on the AV/NETWORK interface could not be properly assigned.
  6. Added the ability to specify the hostname of a network switch when adding a switch in the "Switch Management" tab.
  7. Fixed an issue where VLANs could not be properly assigned to ports at times.

Initial Release. Firmware Parity with AC-MXNET-CBOX V2.55.
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