USB Firmware Uploader and Instructions
This article will describe the USB firmware upgrade method for products that do not support the AVPro Edge ui with web interface updates. You can use this along with firmware files (.fwm) found here on the knowledgebase or on ...
Hercules Setup Utility (SERIAL/TCP/UDP)
Hercules SETUP utility is useful serial port terminal (RS-485 or RS-232 terminal), UDP/IP terminal and TCP/IP Client Server terminal. It was created for HW group internal use only, but today it's includes many functions in one utility and it's ...
Uart RS232/Serial Communicator
MyUart program and USB Serial Driver attached. Can be used with any AVPro Edge product that features an RS232/ISP Control port. How To: After downloading the needed software files below as well as the CH340 driver if needed, you can proceed with the ...
AC-MXMV122-UHD Control & Configuration Software
Current Version: V1.40 Updates: Cropping Added (Requires firmware V1.77) Fixed Audio Following with Preset Selection Control Switching, Multiview, and Configuration over RS232. Preset Duplication Software for transferring configurations to multiple ...
FRESCO Video Wall Controller
Current Version V1.57 Software is for the following units: AC-FRESCO-CAP4 AC-FRESCO-CAP9 Control the FRESCO unit over IP and RS232. Easily set up 2x2 and 3x3 Video Walls with 180° Rotation.