Essential Troubleshooting Before Calling Tech Support
In the Lab: Essential Troubleshooting Before Calling Tech Support
Sometimes AV installations have issues, but what should you do about it? Jason Dustal walks through some essential troubleshooting tips and what to do if you end up in a pickle.
-2 piece projection - A 2 piece projection system consists of a light engine shining light onto a screen. The light engine can be placed in front of (front projection) or behind (rear projection) the screen -2/3 pulldown – a method of video ...
Truck rolls are nearly impossible to avoid, and time spent at these jobs sites means money out of your pocket. Luckily, equipping your technicians with the proper tools can ensure quicker diagnoses and less time spent revisiting jobs. Bullet Train ...
HDMI is a marvelous thing, capable of carrying video, audio, and control over a single connection, becoming the standard on almost all displays manufactured today. But that does not mean HDMI doesn't have its faults, and although replacing a cable ...
Here at AVPro Edge, we take calls daily for issues with HDBaseT. Typically, we find that there is no problem with the equipment but rather an issue with cabling. To help with this issue, HDBaseT has issued the 'Installers 10 Cable Commandments'. An ...