How To: Change MXNet endpoints and Cbox to DHCP
In this presentation Kevin Wang, Director of Product Management, demonstrates features presented in the MXNet 1G Ecosystem.
- To meet the commercial market
requirements, the MXNET 1G system supports the DHCP mode, which means all MXNET 1G ecosystem components can work at DHCP mode, including encoders, decoders,
control box (CBOX), even MXNET switches.
- Force Image
- Through a third-party controller
or CBOX, the customer can easily switch all digital signage displays (TVs) to
display a custom picture (media content). This feature is ideal for education,
casino, or digital signage solutions. For example, an advertisement says a big
jackpot in a casino to display on all TVs.
- Fallback Logo
- When the system starts up or no
video display on the televisions, the customer can display their content or
logo to replace the MXNET picture.
Find out how to setup and more on the attached PowerPoint.
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