During the first part of this series, Jason sat down with Jim Peterson from Lumagen to discuss the capabilities of these powerful video processors. During part 2 we will get more technical and cover some of the things you need to know to ...
Lumagen makes the most powerful video processors in the A/V market. In this webinar, Jason sits with Lumagen president Jim Peterson to discuss what these processors are capable of and how they can improve the performance of any video system.
Like most electronics, speakers come with a long list of features and specs. A lot of it can be confusing and none of it can tell you how a speaker will sound. Hang out with Jason as he chats with the very decorated, award winning designer Anthony ...
Typically in any audio system there is a “sweet spot” where the audio sounds and performs it’s best. What do you do when everyone in the house wants to sit in the sweet spot? How big is the sweet spot? Where is it? Can more than 1 person fit in? ...
AVPro Edge is proud to announce a new partnership with Josh.ai. Join Jason from AVPro Edge and Casey from Josh.ai as they discuss the future of voice control in smart homes.